Social Signup

Social Signup

Clever Moderns email signup:All the best Quonset stuff, straight to your...
Social Signup

Quonset House™ Plans: Terms and Conditions

Quonset House™ Plans: Terms & Conditions These Terms and Conditions are entered into by and between (i) the individual(s) or entities purchasing Clever Moderns Quonset House Plans (“Purchaser”) and (ii) Clever Moderns LLC (“Seller”). These terms and conditions...
YouTube Signup

YouTube Signup

Curious about Quonset huts? Thanks for watching one of my videos on YouTube. I hope it was useful. If you’d like to receive my Quonset hut email tutorial series, enter your info below. You’ll also be signed up for my monthly~ish email newsletter with...
Quonset Design Diagrams

Quonset Design Diagrams

 Planning your Quonset House build? Scratching your head trying to figure out: which size and style of Quonset hut to buy? how to compare “Q” versus “S” versus “A” models? how much finished space you’ll have inside your hut?...
My Account


Checkout After payment, click the link under “Download” below, to receive your digital download.   We're building a prototype! On ten acres in Northern Arizona, we're building The Quompound: our own group of experimental Quonset hut houses. In the...